Hiring Solution Provider


Help! Services Sector wants to hire, but where are the people?


Straits Times

Services (especially food and labour) are expected to stay labour-reliant and intend to hire 3% more while almost EVERY other industries are planning to reduce their hiring outlook by up to 15%.

Yesterday's Straits Times.

Where can I find candidates?

If you are in the services sector, you must be wondering, Where Can I Find People To Take Up These Jobs?.

SMS24/7 has been helping companies formulate hiring campaigns to recruit frontline Singaporean workers across F&B, Retail, Transport, Logistics, Fitness, Beauty and more with this 7 Step Guide.

Step 1 Select the relevant media/s
Step 2 Design Your Ad
Step 3 Design Your Advertising Schedule within your budget
Step 4 Publish Your Ad
Step 5 Receive and Group Candidates according to Priority
Step 6 Contact Candidates of Highest Priority
Step 7 Follow Up With Candidates of Next Highest Priority

Ask yourself, what is/are the profile/s of your potential staff?
Some common questions are:

- Can your customers become your staff?
- Do these potential clients get job information directly or indirectly (e.g. referred by family/friends)?
- Where do they get information directly?
- Where do their family/friends get information directly?

This way, you would know whether you should focus more resources on newspaper advertisements, online advertisements, posters, flyers, job portals, job boards, tie-ups with schools and/or academies...etc.

A general reminder would be to design the advertisement from a job applicant's perspective.
Can they see vital information at ONE glance?

After deciding on a good design, it's time to plan a schedule, and the key here is to prioritize FREQUENCY over SIZE.
The more often you place advertisements, the more people are going to see it, and the more people will remember and share it.

If you have done everything well up to this step, you will be receiving plenty of responses. So much, that you will not have enough time to contact every candidate within a day.

Yet, great candidates do not wait for you.
Try to set key questions beforehand to hasten the grouping of the candidates and contact them the moment you can to quell any worries they may have, as well as to invite them for an interview.

Next, things will never be so perfect and as much as we would all dream of perfect hires, there is another group of great hires who only require some training to transform into great staff.
This group typically outnumbers the perfect candidates by twice the amount, and if you are unable to contact all of them within a day, try to break down the follow up items into phases.

For example, instead of asking for resumes from all candidates, only ask for the resumes from the candidates of high priority.

By this point in time, you are probably thinking
"I don't have enough time for this."

You are not alone.
Recruiters from over 150 companies first approached us with this mentality, and they have since turned to selective automation so that they can focus on conducting interviews.

Just imagine this.
Having 3-5 templates for steps 1-3
Outsourcing step 4 (and possibly enjoy better rates)
Automating steps 5-7

That's how a savvy recruiter manages the recruitment process.

We hope you have found this useful.
But don't just understand the theory, apply the concepts listed here here and you will see an obvious increase in your hiring efficiency.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Phone: (+65) 6407 7282


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