Hiring Solution Provider


SMS24/7 now supporting hiring of Retail and Hospitality jobs too


The industry of companies using SMS 24/7 is expanding

Over the past few months, we have been expanding our portfolio to include companies from more industries, notably 7-Eleven, Challenger and Mandarin Orchard.

Till date, our clients have typically been from the F&B industry, as it is one of the main areas where the manpower crunch is most acutely felt. Word of their successes have reached our friends in other industries, and we were approached to expand our services to the Retail and Hospitality industries too.

Naturally, we jumped at this opportunity to make another step towards our big dream - to contribute to the economic development in ASEAN through employment creation.

It was very insightful as we listened to the different unique positions of each client, while it posed a unique challenge to customize our solutions to suit their concerns.

The most common question we are constantly faced with is:

How does your system comply with the PDPA?

Indeed, the compliance to PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act) is a major concern, and it should be. Our RPF Auto-Response System always informs applicants who apply through it the purpose for which their personal would be used for, namely, hiring and study purposes. Why study purposes? This is because without this clause, we will not be able to assess the data to differentiate between the bots and advertisement messages, which we refer to as "noise". Since our aim is to ensure that every candidate who wants to work should get a chance for consideration, we see a great need to filter the noise away in order to increase the success rate of our candidates' applications while reducing the work for the HR team of our clients.

The results show too.

From matching candidates to an interview and a job confirmation in as short as 1 day to attracting almost 100 Singaporean applications in a week, we have surprised many customers, especially those who have doubted the reach of traditional media (newspaper advertisements, posters, flyers) and those who have thought online media has reached its limits. However, consider this: What if traditional and online media are BOTH interactive?

Trust us, this makes the difference.

We'll be ending this note with our gratitude to our customers, and especially our new customers who have opened the doors to the Retail and Hospitality Industry.

Thank you, and we will continue to do our best in our common quest to spur employment.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Phone: (+65) 6407 7282

SMS24/7 Pte Ltd
UEN: 201133227C
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