Hiring Solution Provider


What Can We Do About No-Shows for interviews?


Bad News: There is no way to avoid candidates standing you up.
Good News: You can reduce the occurrence and displeasure.

It can rarely be more frustrating than this scenario:
When you have squeezed out whatever little time you have in your work schedule to post a job ad, sieve through a mountain-load of CVs, call the candidate to arrange for an interview after raising the interest while allaying any doubts over the phone...
The candidate does not turn up on the day, even going so far as to turning their phones off to remain non-contactable.
Going further down the chain, it will affect your hiring and even your company's ability to operate the business.
Rank and file positions hit businesses especially hard.

For example, if a restaurant does not have enough servers and/or kitchen crew, they can accept up to 30% less customers.
Since the profit margins have been reducing due to expensive rents and headcounts, it's no surprise that even established F&B companies have folded over the years as the business simply becomes unsustainable.

One way to overcome this is to send a reminder to the candidates before the interview.
In fact, we all know this.
And we also know how difficult it is to do so manually.
What we may not know is the importance of sending it via a channel that is convenient for the candidate.

For instance, a candidate is more likely to read a text message than an email (especially for millennials).
Hence, a solution would be to send reminders via text messages automatically.

We have just shared just one of many ways to overcome the never-ending challenge of Getting candidates to attend interviews.
We will be discussing more about this and other recruitment challenges in our upcoming seminar on 15 December.

Refer to our seminars for more information and to sign up.

*We're keeping it FREE because we want to help HR professionals find solutions to their recruitment woes, not add to them.

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