Hiring Solution Provider


What changed in job seeker trends after COVID-19?


COVID-19 has had a great impact on the way people behave. After COVID-19, it is becoming more and more difficult to recruit new employees.

In this report, SMS24/7 have picked out four changes that are particularly noteworthy. We hope these will help you in your new hiring plans.

For this survey, we sampled data of 17,364 job seekers and defined After COVID-19 as after 7 April 2020, when the circuit breaker started in Singapore.

Increase in the percentage of Singaporean job seekers


The percentage of Singaporean job seekers has increased while the one of foreign job seekers has decreased after COVID-19.

Decline in the percentage of job seekers who want to work full-time

Full-time or Part-time

The percentage of job seekers who want to work full time decreased after COVID-19.

On the other hand, many companies are eager to hire full-time workers to get government assistance.

Decline in the percentage of job seekers who want to work in any area

Work location

The percentage of job seekers who don’t mind work location decreased after COVID-19. It is thought that the people looking for work close to home has increased.

Increase in applications through online media of web media and SNS


The percentage of people who apply for jobs after seeing recruitment ads in online media has increased after COVID-19.

The reason for the decrease in the percentage of poster can be attributed to the fact that COVID-19 related regulations have restricted people's activities.

These are the five changes in the recruitment market after COVID-19. Based on these changes, please create a recruitment plan that is in line with current trends and hire more efficiently!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.


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