Know Your Media - SPH announced a major move just this month.
If you are still unaware, The New Paper and MyPaper are going to merge from December 2016.
(Let's call it The New MyPaper for convenience)
From the outside, it seems that SPH has just surrendered in the war of Print VS Online media.
We went to find out the motives behind this move, summarized below for your viewing pleasure:
1. The New Circulation will be 300,000 - Where to?
SPH is already the most established print publisher in Singapore with the Straits Times under its belt.
To reach to niche audiences, The New MyPaper will be distributed to many HDB households.
2. Are the contents going to change?
The New Paper editorial team that has been writing SELLABLE content will now be taking charge of producing the content for The New MyPaper.
The Classified Section where jobs are featured will also stay.
What does this mean for recruiters?
More previously difficult-to-reach people will get sellable content delivered to their doorstep, FOC.
These could potentially be the people who did not use to buy papers, did not use to search for jobs online and did not use to search for jobs via apps.
This could also be a chance to let your job opportunities spread fast and wide by word of mouth...if you are well equipped with the right tools.
What do you need to do to take advantage of this move?
It's time to up the game by creating the RIGHT design, and supercharge it with an incredibly responsive (and automated) handling system.
We will be covering this in our next seminar in November.
PS Our October seminar was oversubscribed so act fast and get your slots via the link below for our November seminar!